
OncoK9® — The Liquid Biopsy Test for Dogs™
OncoK9 is the world’s first cell-free-DNA-based noninvasive test for canine cancer detection. Powered by next-generation sequencing (NGS), OncoK9 employs cutting-edge genomic analysis and proprietary bioinformatics algorithms, empowering veterinarians to provide superior care to canine patients. OncoK9 can detect 30 types of canine cancer, including lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma, mast cell tumor, osteosarcoma, mammary gland carcinoma, anal sac adenocarcinoma, and malignant melanoma.
When to Use OncoK9
OncoK9 is a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test for the detection and characterization of cancer-associated genomic alterations in DNA isolated from canine whole blood samples, using NGS technology. OncoK9 is intended for use in dogs who are at higher risk of cancer. It is recommended as an aid in diagnosis for dogs in which cancer is suspected based on clinical findings. The test can also be considered by clinicians for early cancer detection, with serial annual testing, in dogs without clinical signs, beginning at seven years of age or potentially younger for breeds that are predisposed to cancer. Report includes detection/not detection of a cancer signal and does not provide the origin (except for hematological malignancies, such as lymphoma, where a Cancer Signal Origin Prediction will be provided.) As with any laboratory test, OncoK9 results should be interpreted by a veterinarian in the context of each patient’s medical history and clinical presentation.
OncoK9 Workflow
- Blood collection at the clinic — OncoK9 liquid biopsy uses only one tablespoon of blood and requires no special handling or storage.
- Sample arrives at PetDx lab — Shipped from Antech to PetDx overnight at ambient temperature.
- Sample processing — Accessioning and centrifugation to separate plasma and WBCs.
- DNA extraction — Isolate cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and genomic DNA (gDNA) for analysis.*
- DNA library preparation — Attach-specific adapters to cfDNA and gDNA fragments in preparation for sequencing.*
- DNA sequencing — Next-generation sequencing (NGS) at PetDx to detect cancer-associated genomic alterations.
- Bioinformatics — NGS data analysis with algorithms optimized for the canine genome.*
- Lab director review — Consolidation and interpretation of findings and clinical report generation.*
- Clinical report delivery — Access through Antech Online.
*Denotes workflow steps that include proprietary PetDx methods, techniques and/or algorithms.
How to Order
A special collection kit is required for the OncoK9 test. Kits can be purchased via Antech Online prior to ordering OncoK9. Each kit includes two cell-free DNA collection tubes, each with a minimum fill of 7 mL of whole blood (total of 14-17 mL whole blood). Store at room temperature.
Order Now
U.S. Test Code: S14493
Canada Test Code: CS14493

OncoK9 Case Studies
Meet Bella.
She’s an 11-year-old Golden Retriever, spayed, 53 lbs., and ready for a wellness visit.
She showed no signs of cancer. However, during her visit, OncoK9® was used as part of her routine wellness testing because of her age and her breed’s disposition to cancer.
You won’t believe what happened next.
Read Bella’s story and so many more in our library of OncoK9 case studies.
OncoK9 — History and Findings
The landmark clinical validation study for OncoK9 was published in April 2022 in PLOS ONE, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The CANcer Detection in Dogs (CANDiD) study showed detection of 30 different types of canine cancer (complete list here), with a sensitivity of 85.4% for three of the most aggressive canine cancers (lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma) and overall sensitivity of 54.7% for all cancer types in the study, at a specificity of 98.5% (corresponding to a false positive rate of just 1.5%). The CANDiD study was performed on blood samples collected from more than 1,000 client-owned dogs at more than 40 clinical sites in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, France, and Hong Kong between 2019 and 2021.
Educational Webinar
Detect 30 different types of canine cancer with a simple blood draw: Introducing liquid biopsy testing with Dr. Andi Flori
At its most fundamental level, cancer is caused by abnormalities in DNA. Advanced genomic sequencing technologies now allow for the identification of these abnormalities using a simple blood draw, opening the door to non-invasive cancer detection in dogs. This session will provide a basic overview of cancer biology and introduce the fundamentals of liquid biopsy for canine cancer detection using next-generation sequencing of cell-free DNA. A review of the peer-reviewed clinical validation study of this testing in over 1,000 dogs will be presented, along with recent clinical laboratory experience and case examples from real-world veterinary practices.

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OncoK9 Aid-In-Diagnosis Case Studies
Mediastinal Mass Case Study
Neck Mass Case Study
Aggressive Bone Lesion Case Study
Small Cutaneous Tumor Case Study
Mass on Ultrasound Case Study
OncoK9 Early Detection Case Studies
Bella – Golden Retriever Case Study
Sasha – Boxer Case Study
Maci – Rottweiler Case Study
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